ILAH Brock (She/her)

Board Certified Hypnotherapist
Accepting Clients

I'm ILAH (eye-lah) Certified Hypnotherapist / Life/Business Coach - I help you find the strategies to create new behaviors you prefer.

Hypnotherapist in Visalia, CA

About My Clients

Clients who seek my services are those who wish a change, who are stuck, who want to change a life habit from and then to (something better) Smoker to smoke free, Anxiety to Calm, (instead of just coping) - Individual relationship strategies and identifications. I use Hypnosis, NLP, EFT, MER, HeartMath, and many other modalities to help you achieve your very best!

My Background and Approach

Our first session is typically 2 hours - In that session we will discuss your situation at length with many questions to zero in on specifics and what you want to accomplish, specifically in that session and in subsequent sessions. Typically much is collapsed in that first session. There will be an assessment questionnaire to learn your specific suggestibility and how best to hypnotize you. You are never asleep, you are in a heightened state of awareness, like a deep day dream. Similar to when you are watching a movie or reading an interesting book and you zone out for a spell - you still hear in the habituated background but are oblivious to what is going on in conscious. After the assessment - there is a conversion to Hypnosis and then the hypnotics themselves. It is always in your control and nothing will affect your own personal moral compass. It is relaxing and fun and safe. I do record all hypnotics for you to listen to daily for continued reinforcement.

My Personal Beliefs and Interests

I am very supportive of your chosen lifestyle, whatever it is. I am LGBTQ friendly! I have no color lines in my office. I will help anyone who is ready to be helped. YOU matter & I will meet you where you are when you arrive. I am not here to judge you. I will be the most hassle-free person you have ever met. My highest value is KINDNESS NO MATTER WHAT-NO MATTER WHAT! I stay in my congruency of my highest purpose. I have an intuitive spirit about me and work diligently to create a Safe And Friendly Environment for my clients. My office is comfortable and I love the vibe here and I am confident you will too! Rapport with my clients is very important! I will also not work out of my scope of practice. If I cannot be of help to you, I will refer you to someone who can. My bottom line is my purpose, 'To help as many people as I can to achieve their very best" & if your very best is working with another Hypnotherapist or other mental health professional, then that is what we shall do.

I have experience with the following
  • Christianity

At A Glance

  • Experience: 6 years of practice
  • Languages: English, Sign Language
  • Rate: $125 - 125/session


559.749.4803 Email ILAH
1011 W Center Ave
Visalia, CA 93291

Reach out to ILAH